Reformatsky Reaction – Full Reaction Mechanism Explained

Reformatsky Reaction

Reformatsky reaction is a formation of ß-hydroxy ester when treating ɑ-halo ester with zinc metal in presence of an inert solvent,

reformatsky reaction, general reaction of reformatsky reaction

Reaction Mechanism of Reformatsky Reaction

In the first step, Zinc metal (0) is reacted with ɑ-halo ester and forms an organo-zinc complex which is simply known as Reformatsky enolate. It is very much similar to a Grignard reagent, It is added to Carbonyl compound and it forms a ß-hydroxy ester
This naming reaction is also undergoing dehydration same as Perkin, aldol reactions to give ɑ, ß – unsaturated esters.Reformatsky reaction mechanism,

General Information’s about Reformatsky Reaction

  • This reaction was usually done with Carbonyl compounds like aldehydes, ketones.
  • The reagent is Zinc Metal
  • The solvent is an inert solvent like Diethyl ether
  • The reactants are carbonyl compounds with ɑ-halo ester
  • This involves the formation of Organo-zinc complex
  • The product formed in this reaction is a ß-hydroxy ester

To know about the scientist who discovered this wonderful reaction to the chemical science was Sergey Nikolaevich Reformatsky

Originally posted 2022-10-28 09:25:00.